Overnight Oats

Quick, nutritious and filling, this is a great breakfast for busy mornings. I like to make one serving of this the night before, but you could make it in bulk.


Vegan, serves 1, gluten free

2 handfuls of oats

a sprinkle of chia seeds

2 tbsp soy yogurt

juice of 1/2 an orange (or about 1/2 glass orange juice)

Oat milk

Handful of frozen summer fruits

a few nuts (I use a mix of brazil and almonds)

4-5 dried apricots

Gluten free Muesli


1.Put the oats, chia seeds, berries, orange juice and yogurt into a box.

2. Use scissors to snip in the apricots and nuts.

3. Stir and add enough oat milk to make it into a fairly liquid mixture, it will thicken up in the fridge. Cover and leave in the fridge overnight.

4. Sprinkle a handful of muesli over the top of the mixture, along with any other toppings you fancy and enjoy.



  • grate an apple into the oats and add less oat milk
  • add  cinnamon or mixed spice
  • add cacoa nibs and sprinkle with extra nibs before you serve
  • top with grapes
  • squirt some maple syrup over the muesli


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